Opening remarks? I suppose I must.
Welcome, traveler, to my humble backwater website. Sadly there’s not much to look at, at least for now. I’m still setting things up. But! I hope that eventually this small place can be somewhere cozy where we can all share stories from around the multiverse. I have a habit of spinning colorful yarns of faraway worlds. Now I am setting up a place where I can share these stories with many more travelers.
Not much to say of myself. I’m just a simple storyteller. I tell stories and partake in other folks’ stories. Not satisfied? If you keep coming back maybe I’ll share a morsel every once in a while.
Anyway, there’s still much construction to be done. These “websites” are an interesting invention found in several worlds but I have much to learn to take advantage of this technology. Best to get this place sorted out before getting ahead of myself.
Well… that’s all I got.
– Keeper